The Client

Cooling Brothers, are Western Australia’s largest glass processing company. They are primarily a glass processing wholesaler, working with commercial fabricators and smaller glass and glazing companies on commercial and residential projects.

Cooling Brothers

The Challenge

The challenge Cooling Brothers had was a very common one – how to manage the large amount of data and information they had with regards to their 100 or so employees. People data was in various sources, a payroll system, multiple Excel spreadsheets, Word and pdf documents and also on paper. Having limited HR resources to hand, the business struggled to have a means to quickly access the information in a structured and controlled manner. Cooling Brothers had clear requirements defined from the start of the engagement:

  • The system was to be the ‘source of truth’ so all data had to be stored electronically,
  • As all paper based documents were to be scanned, the solution had to have the capability of easily storing documents for employees and positions, and then allowing the business to get to the data and information in a simple way,
  • The solution had to be dynamic to allow the business to manage the data and functions themselves,
  • The solution had to be highly secure.

The Solution

We presented OrgView to address Cooling Brothers’ immediate requirements of being able to have ‘one source of truth’ for all People Data and Information. The foundations allowed them to explore the possibility of using the Talent Management and Succession Planning functions by defining the Skills and Competencies required for all Positions and then capturing the skills of all the employees.

The Outcome

From the initial engagement to full implementation was a matter of a few days. An initial meeting was held to review the data sources, the data required to be captured and presented and the security levels required. The decision that OrgView would be the ‘single source of truth’ for all people data was made and the initial task of bulk uploading employee and position data from the Payroll system greatly reduced the implementation time. Dynamic data entry forms with appropriate security levels were created that replaced multiple spreadsheets, allowing all employee and position data to be captured in OrgView. All paper based documents were scanned and uploaded to OrgView. Getting the key people involved from the start enabled Cooling Brothers to manage the whole process themselves, greatly reducing the cost of the implementation.

OrgView is now the Single Source of Truth for Cooling Brothers.

What our Clients Thought

Have a look at the video of Shane Vila, CFO Cooling Brothers, talking about how Cooling Brothers have used OrgView and seen immediate benefits.

“…the most important thing for us, is that we’re back in control of our Human Resources data, which is a big win for us”
Shane Vila, CFO Cooling Brothers

We are here to help

Empowering the business with people information at their fingertips.

OrgView is a cost effective yet powerful solution to enable the business to get access, in a controlled manner, to any people information required to make informed decisions. This enables the HR function to focus on strategic and more value adding work.

OrgView addresses the challenges for all types of business – large multi-national organisations with thousands of employees to small organisations of 20.

How do you manage your organisations people data?

Do you spend hours trying to find basic data about your people?

Talent Management, HR Optimisation, Workforce Optimisation, Organisation Charting, and more, can all be delivered with OrgView.

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